Wealth and Wellbeing for Women
Investors and Home Seekers
Many young professional women are realising that their first home or apartment can and should be a solo adventure. We are finding that they, like most of us, are busy creating their careers; in law or medicine or accounting or building their businesses in a myriad of other professions and vocations. With the pressures of their busy social lives, their time to look after themselves and their future is limited.
Younger families, where the sales earner is extremely busy, earning that essential good living and the homemaker is busy with the family and just getting on with the home are also looking for assistance. One or the other partner, or both, are looking ahead to building the families future where property investment is the targeted issue. Of course both are getting on with their busy business and social lives and the time time to look after themselves and their future is also limited.
So too, those ladies coming into the latter parts of their lives, maybe with a big house some where, with too much space or where ongoing maintenance is an issue. Having the skills and time and energy to make the old home ready for the market and simultaneously find something more appropriate for the future, is a challenge to say the least.
The support and assistance from our organisation has proven invaluable for many of these people.
We have assisted their understanding of the markets and the processes in search and acquisition success, absolutely essential for the “newbie” property purchaser and the not so "newbie" owner occupier. We've then helped them with structures and funding and introductions to the other experts they’ve needed to succeed.
Finally, we helped them look for, find and secure that downsized special house or their first dream home or that first investment to set their property portfolios on the way.
Of course in the stream of our lives we will probably own and live in a number of properties. We, most of us, start out with the bare minimum. Finding n inner suburban flat or apartment or a modest home in the outer suburbs, as a starter. We then start the upward journey. Looking for a better location or housing a growing family with a larger style dwelling. Maybe closer to our work or important schools. Bigger and better as our lifestyle and finances improve.
These pressures to find a new home often fall on the shoulders of the stay at home partner, not working full time; generally mum.
Help ! ! ! we often hear, which is where we come in.
Similarly, the support and assistance from our team of experts has proven invaluable for many wives and mothers.
Not fully understanding the tricky property markets and the processes in search and acquisition success. Stuck on the computer, nights and weekends research into the many and various property websites and trying to get to the truth of the selling agents often outrageous claims about their particular listing “this week”.
Trying to understand the best structure to buy within and source the best funding, seeking introductions to the other experts desperately needed to succeed.
We superbly placed to assist with all this and then to investigate the market, help our clients to look for, find and secure that next dream home or that first investment to set their property portfolios on the way.
o to the non-fulltime working partner usually has the responsibility of the next step; selling the family home and downsizing.
Maybe it’s a family breakup or the passing of one of the family partnership, which can leave the surviving widow in a parlous position. Kids have well gone, the large home is now superfluous to needs and requires up-keep and ongoing maintenance anmd we don’t have the money. The surviving partner may have been the family carer for the past decades and has limited skills to compete in today’ employment market. What to do and how to do it are foremost in many of our client’s minds.
Similarly, the support and assistance from our team of experts has proven invaluable.
Working out what to do is where we come in. Bringing the teams of expert advisors and planners to assist with making a planning the immediate steps of asset divestment repositioning and reinvestment.
Making sure the old home is saleable to achieve the best price as Vendor’s Advocates, if that’s the plan. Pulling together the search, find and secure program to get a more appropriate place to live without the headaches of the “mansion’ we’ve left behind.
Many surviving partners are inexperienced in the tricky property markets and the processes in search and acquisition success. This is sometimes a difficult time and trying to get to the truth of the selling agents often outrageous claims about their particular listing “this week”.
Structures to buy within and source the best funding, seeking introductions to the other experts desperately needed to succeed are sometimes just too much. We superbly placed to assist with all this and then to investigate the market, help our clients to look for, find and secure that next dream home or that first investment to set their property portfolios on the way.
We have strong business relationships with great teams of trusted allies who are expert qualified financial advisors in all areas of planning and advice. We will be very happy to support you with introductions and discussions with all our associate to assist. Whether it be in how to get the best returns for the balance of funds or to plan insurances or superannuation resolution or the myriad of steps to resolve the best solution after a break-up or passing of a partner.
Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.
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Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!